Showing 1 - 25 of 35 Results
The Judaisms of Jesus’ Followers: An Introduction to Early Christianity in its Jewish Context by Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez ISBN: 9781719941150 List Price: $14.95
Secret Jews: The Complex Identity of Crypto-Jews and Crypto-Judaism by Gutierrez, Juan Marcos, Jua... ISBN: 9781539620877 List Price: $15.95
What is Jewish Thinking?: Understanding the Classical Worldview of the Bible and Rabbinic Th... by Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez ISBN: 9781686629273 List Price: $9.98
The Jews of Iberia: A Short History by Bejarano Gutierrez, Juan, J... ISBN: 9781537118147 List Price: $7.98
Against the Greeks: Understanding the Classical Jewish Worldview (Introduction to Judaism Se... by Bejarano Gutierrez, Juan Ma... ISBN: 9781542308496 List Price: $7.98
What is Jewish Prayer?: An Introduction the Theology of Jewish Prayer (Introduction to Judai... by Gutierrez, Juan Marcos, Dr.... ISBN: 9781532825200 List Price: $9.98
What is Kosher?: An Introduction to the Laws of Kashrut (Introduction to Judaism) (Volume 1) by Bejarano-Gutierrez, Juan, D... ISBN: 9781530895434 List Price: $9.98
Jewish Conquistadors in the New World : The Early Years by Bejarano Gutierrez, Juan Ma... ISBN: 9798610848600
Conflicted Identities: The Jewish Cardinal and the Jesus Believing Orthodox Rabbi by Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez ISBN: 9781711677903 List Price: $8.95
Chronicles of Canaan : A Boy Becomes a Warrior by Bejarano Gutierrez, Juan Ma... ISBN: 9781070686660 List Price: $10.98
Tikkun Olam : A Jewish Approach for Redeeming the World by Bejarano Gutierrez, Juan Ma... ISBN: 9781983350429
Why Did Spanish Jews Convert to Christianity?: How Iberian Jews Responded to Persecution by Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez ISBN: 9781688522824 List Price: $9.98
The Transformation of Israelite Religion to Rabbinic Judaism by Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez ISBN: 9781078170727 List Price: $7.98
Judaizing Jesus: Radical Jewish Approaches to Christianity by Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez ISBN: 9781705609019 List Price: $12.95
Enoch Rising: Enmeduranki, the Fallen Watchers, and the Key to Unlocking Early Christianity by Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez ISBN: 9781791902254 List Price: $14.95
Ancient Israelite Identity: Religion, Ethnicity, and the Land of Israel by Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez ISBN: 9781793020598 List Price: $10.95
Conversos and the Sabbatean Movement: The Unlikely Supporters of Sabbatai Zevi by Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez ISBN: 9781795784504 List Price: $8.98
Messianic Expectations: From the Second Temple Era through the Early Centuries of the Common... by Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez ISBN: 9781720290391 List Price: $12.95
Beyond Revelation : How the Rabbis Perceived Divine Intervention by Bejarano Gutierrez, Juan Ma... ISBN: 9781983193309
The Rise of the Inquisition: An Introduction to the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions by Gutierrez, Juan Marcos, Dr.... ISBN: 9781547222872 List Price: $11.95
Forgotten Origins: The Lost Jewish History of Jesus and Early Christianity by Gutierrez, Juan Marcos, Jua... ISBN: 9781543025002 List Price: $21.95
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